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Head anatomy of Aplocheilus lineatus. (A)The killifish hunts with its head immediately below and parallel with the surface of the water, maximizing its sensitivity to capillary waves. Scale bar, 10mm. (B)The array of specialized neuromasts occurs on the fish's flattened head between the eyes and behind the prominent semicircular lip. (C)In a fluorescence micrograph, labeling with a red fluorophore concentrated by hair cells reveals the positions of the largest 16 of the 18 neuromasts. Scale bar, 5mm. (D)Superposition of the previous two images reveals the position of the neuromasts on the dorsal surface of the head.
From: A hydrodynamic sensory antenna used by killifish for nocturnal hunting Jason S. Schwarz, Tobias Reichenbach and A. J. Hudspeth Journal of Experimental Biology 214(Pt 11):1857-66 · June 2011 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.051714